Zeitschriftenartikel (133)

Fusani, L.; Coccon, F.; Rojas Mora, A.; Goymann, W.: Melatonin reduces migratory restlessness in Sylvia warblers during autumnal migration. Frontiers in Zoology 10, 79 (2013)
Gagliardo, A.; Bried, J.; Lambardi, P.; Luschi, P.; Wikelski, M.; Bonadonna, F.: Oceanic navigation in Cory's shearwaters: Evidence for a crucial role of olfactory cues for homing after displacement. The Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (15), S. 2798 - 2805 (2013)
Geberzahn, N.; Gahr, M.: Song learning in male and female Uraeginthus cyanocephalus, a tropical songbird species. Journal of Comparative Psychology 127 (4), S. 352 - 364 (2013)
Gehrold, A.; Koehler, P.: Wing-moulting waterbirds maintain body condition under good environmental conditions: A case study of Gadwalls (Anas strepera). Journal of Ornithology 154 (3), S. 783 - 793 (2013)
Gehrold, A.; Leitner, S.; Laucht, S.; Deregnaucourt, S.: Heterospecific exposure affects the development of secondary sexual traits in male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Behavioural Processes 94, S. 67 - 75 (2013)
Gwinner, H.; Yohannes, E.; Schwabl, H.: Nest composition and yolk hormones: Do female European starlings adjust yolk androgens to nest quality? Avian Biology Research 6 (4), S. 307 - 312 (2013)
Hau, M.: Können sich Hormone schnell genug an rasche Veränderungen der Umwelt anpassen? Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2013)
Hawkes, L. A.; Balachandran, S.; Batbayar, N.; Butler, P. J.; Chua, B.; Douglas, D. C.; Frappell, P. B.; Hou, Y.; Milsom, W. K.; Newman, S. H. et al.; Prosser, D. J.; Sathiyaselvam, P.; Scott, G. R.; Takekawa, J. Y.; Natsagdorj, T.; Wikelski, M.; Witt, M. J.; Yan, B.; Bishop, C. M.: The paradox of extreme high-altitude migration in bar-headed geese Anser indicus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1750), 20122114 (2013)
Heber, S.; Varsani, A.; Kuhn, S.; Girg, A.; Kempenaers, B.; Briskie, J. V.: The genetic rescue of two bottlenecked South Island robin populations using translocations of inbred donors. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1752), 20122228 (2013)
Heinrich, M.; Wiegrebe, L.: Size constancy in bat biosonar? Perceptual interaction of object aperture and distance. PLoS One 8 (4), e61577 (2013)
Helm, B.; Ben-Shlomo, R.; Sheriff, M. J.; Hut, R. A.; Foster, R.; Barnes, B. M.; Dominoni, D. M.: Annual rhythms that underlie phenology: Biological time-keeping meets environmental change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1765), 20130016 (2013)
Henry, P.-Y.; Landeta Salgado, C.; Munoz, F. P.; Wikelski, M.: Birds introduced in new areas show rest disorders. Biology Letters 9 (5), 20130463 (2013)
Hickey, J. R.; Nackoney, J.; Nibbelink, N. P.; Blake, S.; Bonyenge, A.; Coxe, S.; Dupain, J.; Emetshu, M.; Furuichi, T.; Grossmann, F. et al.; Guislain, P.; Hart, J.; Hashimoto, C.; Ikembelo, B.; Ilambu, O.; Inogwabini, B.-I.; Liengola, I.; Lokasola, A. L.; Lushimba, A.; Maisels, F.; Masselink, J.; Mbenzo, V.; Mulavwa, N. M.; Naky, P.; Ndunda, N. M.; Nkumu, P.; Omasombo, V.; Reinartz, G. E.; Rose, R.; Sakamaki, T.; Strindberg, S.; Takemoto, H.; Vosper, A.; Kuehl, H. S.: Human proximity and habitat fragmentation are key drivers of the rangewide bonobo distribution. Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (13-14), S. 3085 - 3104 (2013)
Hirschenhauser, K.; Gahr, M.; Goymann, W.: Winning and losing in public: Audiences direct future success in Japanese quail. Hormones and Behavior 63 (4), S. 625 - 633 (2013)
Holland, R. A.; Helm, B.: A strong magnetic pulse affects the precision of departure direction of naturally migrating adult but not juvenile birds. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 10 (81), 20121047 (2013)
Hüppop, O.; Bauer, H.-G.; Haupt, H.; Ryslavy, T.; Südbeck, P.; Wahl, J.: Rote Liste Wandernder Vogelarten Deutschlands, 1. Fassung, 31. Dezember 2012. Berichte zum Vogelschutz 49/50, S. 23 - 83 (2013)
Hüppop, O.; Bauer, H.-G.; Haupt, H.; Ryslavy, T.; Südbeck, P.; Wahl, J.: Rote Liste Wandernder Vogelarten. Vögel in Deutschland 2012, S. 24 - 29 (2013)
Husby, A.; Schielzeth, H.; Forstmeier, W.; Gustafsson, L.; Qvarnstroem, A.: Sex chromosome linked genetic variance and the evolution of sexual dimorphism of quantitative traits. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 67 (3), S. 609 - 619 (2013)
Ihle, M.; Forstmeier, W.: Revisiting the evidence for inbreeding avoidance in zebra finches. Behavioral Ecology 24 (6), S. 1356 - 1362 (2013)
Ihle, M.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Does hatching failure breed infidelity? Behavioral Ecology 24 (1), S. 119 - 127 (2013)
Karpati, Z.; Knaden, M.; Reinecke, A.; Hansson, B. S.: Intraspecific combinations of flower and leaf volatiles act together in attracting hawkmoth pollinators. PLoS One 8 (9), e72805 (2013)
Kirkerud, N. H.; Wehmann, H. N.; Galizia, C. G.; Gustav, D.: APIS - A novel approach for conditioning honey bees. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7, 29 (2013)
Koch, S.; Groh, K.; Vogel, H.; Hannson, B. S.; Kleineidam, C. J.; Grosse-Wilde, E.: Caste-specific expression patterns of immune response and chemosensory related genes in the leaf-cutting ant, Atta vollenweideri. PLoS One 8 (11), e81518 (2013)
Koch, W.; Mueller, J. C.; Schrempf, M.; Wolferstetter, H.; Kirchhofer, J.; Schoemig, A.; Kastrati, A.: Two rare variants explain association with acute myocardial infarction in an extended genomic region including the Apolipoprotein (A) Gene. Annals of Human Genetics 77 (1), S. 47 - 55 (2013)
Kronfeld-Schor, N.; Dominoni, D. M.; de la Iglesia, H.; Levy, O.; Herzog, E. D.; Dayan, T.; Helfrich-Forster, C.: Chronobiology by moonlight. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1765), 20123088 (2013)
Lam, M. M.-Y.; Martin-Creuzburg, D.; Rothhaupt, K.-O.; Safi, K.; Yohannes, E.; Salvarina, I.: Tracking diet preferences of bats using stable isotope and fatty acid signatures of faeces. PLoS One 8 (12), e83452 (2013)
Landys, M. M.; Goymann, W.; Soma, K. K.; Slagsvold, T.: Year-round territorial aggression is independent of plasma DHEA in the European nuthatch Sitta europaea. Hormones and Behavior 63 (1), S. 166 - 172 (2013)
LaPoint, S. D.; Gallery, P.; Wikelski, M.; Kays, R.: Animal behavior, cost-based corridor models, and real corridors. Landscape Ecology 28 (8), S. 1615 - 1630 (2013)
Leitner, S.: Gene und Umwelt: Wie beeinflussen sie Verhalten und Physiologie bei Singvögeln? Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2013)
Luef, E. M.; Pika, S.: Gorilla mothers also matter! New insights on social transmission in gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in captivity. PLoS One 8 (11), e79600 (2013)
Manousaki, T.; Hull, P. M.; Kusche, H.; Machado-Schiaffino, G.; Franchini, P.; Harrod, C.; Elmer, K. R.; Meyer, A.: Parsing parallel evolution: Ecological divergence and differential gene expression in the adaptive radiations of thick-lipped Midas cichlid fishes from Nicaragua. Molecular Ecology 22 (3), S. 650 - 669 (2013)
Marquenie, J.; Donners, M.; Poot, H.; Steckel, W.; de Wit, B.: Bird-friendly light sources. Adapting the spectral composition of artificial lighting. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 19 (2), S. 56 - 62 (2013)
Marques, J. T.; Ramos Pereira, M. J.; Marques, T. A.; Santos, C. D.; Santana, J.; Beja, P.; Palmeirim, J. M.: Optimizing sampling design to deal with mist-net avoidance in amazonian birds and bats. PLoS One 8 (9), e74505 (2013)
Martins, R. C.; Catry, T.; Santos, C. D.; Palmeirim, J. M.; Granadeiro, J. P.: Seasonal variations in the diet and foraging behaviour of dunlins Calidris alpina in a South European estuary: Improved feeding conditions for northward migrants. PLoS One 8 (12), e81174 (2013)
Masello, J. F.; Wikelski, M.; Voigt, C. C.; Quillfeldt, P.: Distribution patterns predict individual specialization in the diet of dolphin gulls. PLoS One 8 (7), e67714 (2013)
Mathot, K. J.; Dall, S. R. X.: Metabolic rates can drive individual differences in information and insurance use under the risk of starvation. American Naturalist 182 (5), S. 611 - 620 (2013)
Mathot, K. J.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Basal metabolic rate can evolve independently of morphological and behavioural traits. Heredity 111 (3), S. 175 - 181 (2013)
Mettler, R.; Schaefer, H. M.; Chernetsov, N.; Fiedler, W.; Hobson, K. A.; Ilieva, M.; Imhof, E.; Johnsen, A.; Renner, S. C.; Rolshausen, G. et al.; Serrano, D.; Wesolowski, T.; Segelbacher, G.: Contrasting patterns of genetic differentiation among blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) with divergent migratory orientations in Europe. PLoS One 8 (11), e81365 (2013)
Michler, S. P. M.; Nicolaus, M.; van der Velde, M.; Radersma, R.; Ubels, R.; Both, C.; Komdeur, J.; Tinbergen, J. M.: Local offspring density and sex ratio affect sex allocation in the great tit. Behavioral Ecology 24 (1), S. 169 - 181 (2013)
Miranda, A. C.; Schielzeth, H.; Sonntag, T.; Partecke, J.: Urbanization and its effects on personality traits: A result of microevolution or phenotypic plasticity? Global Change Biology 19 (9), S. 2634 - 2644 (2013)
Mueller, J. C.; Korsten, P.; Hermannstädter, C.; Feulner, T.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Matthysen, E.; van Oers, K.; van Overveld, T.; Patrick, S. C.; Quinn, J. L. et al.; Riemenschneider, M.; Tinbergen, J. M.; Kempenaers, B.: Haplotype structure, adaptive history and associations with exploratory behaviour of the DRD4 gene region in four great tit (Parus major) populations. Molecular Ecology 22 (10), S. 2797 - 2809 (2013)
Mueller, J. C.; Partecke, J.; Hatchwell, B. J.; Gaston, K. J.; Evans, K. L.: Candidate gene polymorphisms for behavioural adaptations during urbanization in blackbirds. Molecular Ecology 22 (13), S. 3629 - 3637 (2013)
Mutzel, A.; Blom, M. P. K.; Spagopoulou, F.; Wright, J.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Kempenaers, B.: Temporal trade-offs between nestling provisioning and defence against nest predators in blue tits. Animal Behaviour 85 (6), S. 1459 - 1469 (2013)
Mutzel, A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Araya-Ajoy, Y. G.; Kempenaers, B.: Parental provisioning behaviour plays a key role in linking personality with reproductive success. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1764), 20131019 (2013)
Nakagawa, S.; Schielzeth, H.: A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (2), S. 133 - 142 (2013)
Nemeth, E.; Pieretti, N.; Zollinger, S. A.; Geberzahn, N.; Partecke, J.; Miranda, A. C.; Brumm, H.: Bird song and anthropogenic noise: Vocal constraints may explain why birds sing higher-frequency songs in cities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1754), 20122798 (2013)
Nicolaus, M.; Brommer, J. E.; Ubels, R.; Tinbergen, J. M.; Dingemanse, N. J.: Exploring patterns of variation in clutch size-density reaction norms in a wild passerine bird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (9), S. 2031 - 2043 (2013)
Niemelä, P. T.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Alioravainen, N.; Vainikka, A.; Kortet, R.: Personality pace-of-life hypothesis: Testing genetic associations among personality and life history. Behavioral Ecology 24 (4), S. 935 - 941 (2013)
Norbu, N.; Wikelski, M.; Wilcove, D. S.; Partecke, J.; Ugyen; Tenzin, U.; Sherub; Tempa, T.: Partial altitudinal migration of a Himalayan forest pheasant. PLoS One 8 (4), e60979 (2013)
Ouyang, J. Q.; Muturi, M.; Quetting, M.; Hau, M.: Small increases in corticosterone before the breeding season increase parental investment but not fitness in a wild passerine bird. Hormones and Behavior 63 (5), S. 776 - 781 (2013)
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