Harbauer lab

Publikationen von Jana Lindner

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Blumenstock, S.; Schulz-Trieglaff, E. K.; Voelkl, K.; Bolender, A.-L.; Lapios, P.; Lindner, J.; Hipp, M. S.; Hartl, F. U.; Klein, R.; Dudanova, I.: Fluc-EGFP reporter mice reveal differential alterations of neuronal proteostasis in aging and disease. The EMBO Journal 40 (19), e107260 (2021)
Gong, J.; Gaitanos, T. N.; Luu, O.; Huang, Y.; Gaitanos, L.; Lindner, J.; Winklbauer, R.; Klein, R.: Gulp1 controls Eph/ephrin trogocytosis and is important for cell rearrangements during development. The Journal of Cell Biology 218 (10), S. 3455 - 3471 (2019)
Hees, J. T.; Wanderoy, S.; Lindner, J.; Helms, M.; Murali Mahadevan, H.; Harbauer, A.: Insulin signalling regulates Pink1 mRNA localization via modulation of AMPK activity to support PINK1 function in neurons. Nature Metabolism 6, S. 514 - 530 (2014)
Leiss, F.; Koper, E.; Hein, I.; Fouquet, W.; Lindner, J.; Sigrist, S.; Tavosanis, G.: Characterization of dendritic spines in the Drosophila central nervous system. Developmental neurobiology 69 (4), S. 221 - 234 (2009)
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