
Zeitschriftenartikel (9195)

Ellegren, H.; Smeds, L.; Burri, R.; Olason, P. I.; Backstrom, N.; Kawakami, T.; Künstner, A.; Makinen, H.; Nadachowska-Brzyska, K.; Qvarnstrom, A. et al.; Uebbing, S.; Wolf, J. B. W.: The genomic landscape of species divergence in Ficedula flycatchers. Nature 491 (7426), S. 756 - 760 (2012)
Elliott, C.; Lindner, M.; Arthur, A.; Brennan, K.; Jarius, S.; Hussey, J.; Chan, A.; Stroet, A.; Olsson, T.; Willison, H. et al.; Barnett, S. C.; Meinl, E.; Linington, C.: Functional identification of pathogenic autoantibody responses in patients with multiple sclerosis. Brain 135, S. 1819 - 1833 (2012)
English, A. K.; Chauvenet, A. L. M.; Safi, K.; Pettorelli, N.: Reassessing the determinants of breeding synchrony in ungulates. PLoS One 7 (7), e41444 (2012)
Ertürk, A.; Mauch, C. P.; Hellal, F.; Förstner, F.; Keck, T.; Becker, K.; Jaehrling, N.; Steffens, H.; Richter, M.; Hübener, M. et al.; Kramer, E.; Kirchhoff, F.; Dodt, H. U.; Bradke, F.: Three-dimensional imaging of the unsectioned adult spinal cord to assess axon regeneration and glial responses after injury. Nature Medicine 18 (1), S. 166 - 171 (2012)
Farine, D. R.; Garroway, C. J.; Sheldon, B. C.: Social network analysis of mixed-species flocks: Exploring the structure and evolution of interspecific social behaviour. Animal Behaviour 84 (5), S. 1271 - 1277 (2012)
Farine, D. R.; O'Connell, D. A.; Raison, R. J.; May, B. M.; O'Connor, M. H.; Crawford, D. F.; Herr, A.; Taylor, J. A.; Jovanovic, T.; Campbell, P. K. et al.; Dunlop, M. I. A.; Rodriguez, L. C.; Poole, M. L.; Braid, A. L.; Kriticos, D.: An assessment of biomass for bioelectricity and biofuel, and for greenhouse gas emission reduction in Australia. GCB Bioenergy 4 (2), S. 148 - 175 (2012)
Ferrero, D. M.; Wacker, D.; Roque, M. A.; Baldwin, M. W.; Stevens, R. C.; Liberles, S. D.: Agonists for 13 trace amine-associated receptors provide insight into the molecular basis of odor selectivity. ACS Chemical Biology 7 (7), S. 1184 - 1189 (2012)
Fico, A.; De Chevigny, A.; Egea, J.; Bösl, M. R.; Cremer, H.; Maina, F.; Dono, R.: Modulating Glypican4 Suppresses tumorigenicity of embryonic stem cells while preserving self-renewal and pluripotency. Stem Cells 30 (9), S. 1863 - 1874 (2012)
Fiedler, W.; Davidson, S. C.: Movebank – eine offene Internetplattform für Tierwanderungsdaten. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 50 (1), S. 15 - 20 (2012)
Flack, A.; Pettit, B.; Freeman, R.; Guilford, T.; Biro, D.: What are leaders made of? The role of individual experience in determining leaderefollower relations in homing pigeons. Animal Behaviour 83 (3), S. 703 - 709 (2012)
Flynn, K. C.; Hellal, F.; Neukirchen, D.; Jacob, S.; Tahirovic, S.; Dupraz, S.; Stem, S.; Garvalov, B. K.; Gurniak, C.; Shaw, A. E. et al.; Meyn, L.; Wedlich-Soeldner, R.; Bamburg, J. R.; Small, J. V.; Witke, W.; Bradke, F.: ADF/Cofilin-mediated actin retrograde flow directs neurite formation in the developing brain. Neuron 76 (6), S. 1091 - 1107 (2012)
Fontana, X.; Hristova, M.; Da Costa, C.; Patodia, S.; Thei, L.; Makwana, M.; Spencer-Dene, B.; Latouche, M.; Mirsky, R.; Jessen, K. R. et al.; Klein, R.; Raivich, G.; Behrens, A.: C-Jun in Schwann cells promotes axonal regeneration and motoneuron survival via paracrine signaling. The Journal of Cell Biology 198 (1), S. 127 - 141 (2012)
Fornoff, F.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Wikelski, M.: Observation of movement and activity via radio-telemetry reveals diurnal behavior of the neotropical katydid philophyllia ingens (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Ecotropica 18 (1), S. 27 - 34 (2012)
Förschler, M. I.; Bense, U.; Berthold, P.; Dietz, C.; Doczkal, D.; Dorka, U.; Ebel, C.; Hessner, W.; Hoefer, H.; Hoelzer, A. et al.; Koeppel, C.; Kolb, A.; Laufer, H.; Lieser, M.; Marx, J.; Meineke, J.-U.; Muench, W.; Murmann-Kristen, L.; Rennwald, E.; Roempp, I.; Roth, K.; Schanowski, A.; Schelkle, E.; Schiel, F.-J.; Schlund, W.; Schroth, K.-E.; Spaeth, V.; Stader, P.; Steiner, A.; Stuebner, S.; Turni, H.; Waldenspuhl, T.; Wolf, T.; Ziegler, J.; Zimmermann, P.: Ökologisches Potenzial eines möglichen Nationalparks im Nordschwarzwald. Chancen in Prozessschutz-, Entwicklungs- und Managementzonen aus naturschutzfachlicher Sicht. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 44 (9), S. 273 - 281 (2012)
Forstmeier, W.; Schielzeth, H.; Mueller, J. C.; Ellegren, H.; Kempenaers, B.: Heterozygosity-fitness correlations in zebra finches: Microsatellite markers can be better than their reputation. Molecular Ecology 21 (13), S. 3237 - 3249 (2012)
Freeman, B. G.; Class, A. M.; Olaciregui, C. A.; Botero‐Delgadillo, E.: Biología reproductiva de la Clorofonia Verdeazul (Chlorophonia cyanea) en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Ornitología Colombiana 12, S. 10 - 16 (2012)
Fröhlich, M.; Berger, A.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Heckmann, I.; Martins, Q.: Complementing GPS cluster analysis with activity data for studies of leopard (Panthera pardus) diet. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 42 (2), S. 104 - 110 (2012)
Fudickar, A. M.; Partecke, J.: The flight apparatus of migratory and sedentary individuals of a partially migratory songbird species. PLoS One 7 (12), e51920 (2012)
Fudickar, A. M.; Wikelski, M.; Partecke, J.: Tracking migratory songbirds: Accuracy of light-level loggers (geolocators) in forest habitats. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (1), S. 47 - 52 (2012)
Fuller, T.; Bensch, S.; Mueller, I.; Novembre, J.; Perez-Tris, J.; Ricklefs, R. E.; Smith, T. B.; Waldenström, J.: The ecology of emerging infectious diseases in migratory birds: An assessment of the role of climate change and priorities for future research. Ecohealth 9 (1), S. 80 - 88 (2012)
Fuxjager, M. J.; Schultz, J. D.; Barske, J.; Feng, N. Y.; Fusani, L.; Mirzatoni, A.; Day, L. B.; Hau, M.; Schlinger, B. A.: Spinal motor and sensory neurons are androgen targets in an acrobatic bird. Endocrinology 153 (8), S. 3780 - 3791 (2012)
Gallup, A. C.; Chong, A.; Couzin, I. D.: The directional flow of visual information transfer between pedestrians. Biology Letters 8 (4), S. 520 - 522 (2012)
Gallup, A. C.; Hale, J. J.; Sumpter, D. J. T.; Garnier, S.; Kacelnik, A.; Krebs, J. R.; Couzin, I. D.: Visual attention and the acquisition of information in human crowds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (19), S. 7245 - 7250 (2012)
Garamszegi, L. Z.; Rosivall, B.; Rettenbacher, S.; Marko, G.; Zsebök, S.; Szoellosi, E.; Eens, M.; Potti, J.; Toeroek, J.: Corticosterone, avoidance of novelty, risk-taking and aggression in a wild bird: No evidence for pleiotropic effects. Ethology 118 (7), S. 621 - 635 (2012)
Garamszegi, L. Z.; Zsebök, S.; Toeroek, J.: The relationship between syllable repertoire similarity and pairing success in a passerine bird species with complex song. Journal of Theoretical Biology 295, S. 68 - 76 (2012)
Geiger, A.; Russo, L.; Gensch, T.; Thestrup, T.; Becker, S.; Hopfner, K. P.; Griesinger, C.; Witte, G.; Griesbeck, O.: Correlating calcium binding, Förster resonance energy transfer, and conformational change in the biosensor TN-XXL. Biophysical Journal 102 (10), S. 2401 - 2410 (2012)
Geuze, R. H.; Schaafsma, S. M.; Lust, J. M.; Bouma, A.; Schiefenhövel, W.; Groothuis, T. G. G.: Plasticity of lateralization: Schooling predicts hand preference but not hand skill asymmetry in a non-industrial society. Neuropsychologia 50 (5), S. 612 - 620 (2012)
Gillingham, M. A. F.; Bechet, A.; Geraci, J.; Wattier, R.; Dubreuil, C.; Cezilly, F.: Genetic polymorphism in dopamine receptor D4 is associated with early body condition in a large population of greater flamingos, Phoenicopterus roseus. Molecular Ecology 21 (16), S. 4024 - 4037 (2012)
Girndt, A.; Riesch, R.; Schröder, C.; Schlupp, I.; Plath, M.; Tiedemann, R.: Multiple paternity in different populations of the sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). Animal Biology 62 (3), S. 245 - 262 (2012)
Goerlitz, H. R.; Genzel, D.; Wiegrebe, L.: Bats’ avoidance of real and virtual objects: Implications for the sonar coding of object size. Behavioural Processes 89 (1), S. 61 - 67 (2012)
Goll, J. C.; Ridgway, G. R.; Crutch, S. J.; Theunissen, F. E.; Warren, J. D.: Nonverbal sound processing in semantic dementia: A functional MRI study. NeuroImage 61 (1), S. 170 - 180 (2012)
Gómez, C.; Botero‐Delgadillo, E.; Bayly, N. J.; Moreno y Páez, M. I.; Andrés, C.: Documentando estrategias de muda en aves neotropicales: Ejemplos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Ornitologia Neotropical 23, S. 129 - 138 (2012)
Goymann, W.: On the use of non-invasive hormone research in uncontrolled, natural environments: The problem with sex, diet, metabolic rate and the individual. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (4), S. 757 - 765 (2012)
Goymann, W.; Helm, B.; Jensen, W.; Schwabl, I.; Moore, I. T.: A tropical bird can use the equatorial change in sunrise and sunset times to synchronize its circannual clock. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1742), S. 3527 - 3534 (2012)
Greives, T. J.; Kingma, S. A.; Beltrami, G.; Hau, M.: Melatonin delays clutch initiation in a wild songbird. Biology Letters 8 (3), S. 330 - 332 (2012)
Griffin, S. R.; Smith, M. L.; Seeley, T. D.: Do honeybees use the directional information in round dances to find nearby food sources? Animal Behaviour 83 (6), S. 1319 - 1324 (2012)
Griffiths, B. B.; Schoonheim, P. J.; Ziv, L.; Voelker, L.; Baier, H.; Gahtan, E.: A zebrafish model of glucocorticoid resistance shows serotonergic modulation of the stress response. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 6, 68 (2012)
Gschweng, M.; Kalko, E. K. V.; Berthold, P.; Fiedler, W.; Fahr, J.: Multi-temporal distribution modelling with satellite tracking data: Predicting responses of a long-distance migrant to changing environmental conditions. Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (4), S. 803 - 813 (2012)
Guttal, V.; Romanczuk, P.; Simpson, S. J.; Sword, G. A.; Couzin, I. D.: Cannibalism can drive the evolution of behavioural phase polyphenism in locusts. Ecology Letters 15 (10), S. 1158 - 1166 (2012)
Hahn, T. T. G.; McFarland, J. M.; Berberich, S.; Sakmann, B.; Mehta, M. R.: Spontaneous persistent activity in entorhinal cortex modulates cortico hippocampal interaction in vivo. Nature Neuroscience 15 (11), S. 1531 - 1538 (2012)
Handegard, N. O.; Boswell, K. M.; Ioannou, C. C.; Leblanc, S. P.; Tjostheim, D. B.; Couzin, I. D.: The dynamics of coordinated group hunting and collective information transfer among schooling prey. Current Biology 22 (13), S. 1213 - 1217 (2012)
Hanell, A.; Clausen, F.; Djupsjo, A.; Vallstedt, A.; Patra, K.; Israelsson, C.; Larhammar, M.; Bjork, M.; Paixao, S.; Kullander, K. et al.; Marklund, N.: Functional and histological outcome after focal traumatic brain injury is not improved in conditional EphA4 knockout mice. Journal of Neurotrauma 29 (17), S. 2660 - 2671 (2012)
Harmel, N.; Cokic, B.; Zolles, G.; Berkefeld, H.; Mauric, V.; Fakler, B.; Stein, V.; Kloecker, N.: AMPA receptors commandeer an ancient cargo exporter for use as an auxiliary subunit for signaling. PLoS One 7 (1), e30681 (2012)
Hedberg, C.; Melberg, A.; Kuhl, A.; Jenne, D. E.; Oldfors, A.: Autosomal dominant myofibrillar myopathy with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy 7 is caused by a DES mutation. European journal of human genetics 20 (9), S. 984 - 985 (2012)
Held, K.; Eiglmeier, I.; Himmelein, S.; Sinicina, I.; Brandt, T.; Theil, D.; Dornmair, K.; Derfuss, T.: Clonal expansions of CD8(+) T cells in latently HSV-1-infected human trigeminal ganglia. Journal of NeuroVirology 18 (1), S. 62 - 68 (2012)
Helmstaedter, M.; Mitra, P. P.: Computational methods and challenges for large-scale circuit mapping. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 22 (1), S. 162 - 169 (2012)
Herr, A.; O'Connell, D.; Farine, D. R.; Dunlop, M.; Crimp, S.; Poole, M.: Watching grass grow in Australia: Is there sufficient production potential for a biofuel industry? Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 6 (3), S. 257 - 268 (2012)
Herrnberger, L.; Seitz, R.; Kuespert, S.; Bösl, M. R.; Fuchshofer, R.; Tamm, E. R.: Lack of endothelial diaphragms in fenestrae and caveolae of mutant Plvap-deficient mice. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 138 (5), S. 709 - 724 (2012)
Hirner, H.; Guenes, C.; Bischof, J.; Wolff, S.; Grothey, A.; Kueh, M.; Oswald, F.; Wegwitz, F.; Bösl, M. R.; Trauzold, A. et al.; Henne-Bruns, D.; Peifer, C.; Leithaeuser, F.; Deppert, W.; Knippschild, U.: Impaired CK1 delta activity attenuates SV40-induced cellular transformation in vitro and mouse mammary carcinogenesis in vivo. PLoS One 7 (1), e29709 (2012)
Hirschenhauser, K.; Spreitzer, K.; Lepschy, M.; Kotrschal, K.; Möstl, E.: Excreted corticosterone metabolites differ between two galliform species, Japanese Quail and Chicken, between sexes and between urine and faecal parts of droppings. Journal of Ornithology 153 (4), S. 1179 - 1188 (2012)
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