
Zeitschriftenartikel (9195)

Schwagmeyer, P. L.; Parker, P. G.; Mock, D. W.; Schwabl, H.: Alternative matings and the opportunity costs of paternal care in house sparrows. Behavioral Ecology 23 (5), S. 1108 - 1114 (2012)
Seguin, A.; Forstmeier, W.: No band color effects on male courtship rate or body mass in the zebra finch: Four experiments and a meta-analysis. PLoS One 7 (6), e37785 (2012)
Siegel, F.; Heimel, J. A.; Peters, J.; Lohmann, C.: Peripheral and central inputs shape network dynamics in the developing visual cortex in vivo. Current Biology 22 (3), S. 253 - 258 (2012)
Siemers, B. M.; Kriner, E.; Kaipf, I.; Simon, M.; Greif, S.: Bats eavesdrop on the sound of copulating flies. Current Biology 22 (14), S. R563 - R564 (2012)
Siewert, K.; Malotka, J.; Kawakami, N.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Unbiased identification of target antigens of CD8(+) T cells with combinatorial libraries coding for short peptides. Nature Medicine 18 (5), S. 824 - 828 (2012)
Smaers, J. B.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Goswami, A.; Soligo, C.; Safi, K.: Comparative analyses of evolutionary rates reveal different pathways to encephalization in bats, carnivorans, and primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (44), S. 18006 - 18011 (2012)
Smith, M. L.: The honey bee parasite Nosema ceranae: Transmissible via food exchange? PLoS One 7 (8), e43319 (2012)
Smith, M. L.: College Beekeeper is both a blueprint and a support system. Bee Culture 140, S. 6 (2012)
Sprau, P.; Roth, T.; Naguib, M.; Amrhein, V.: Communication in the third dimension: Song perch height of rivals affects singing responses in nightingales. PLoS One 7 (3), e32194 (2012)
Spreitzer, M. L.; Mautner, S.; Makasa, L.; Sturmbauer, C.: Genetic and morphological population differentiation in the rock-dwelling and specialized shrimp-feeding cichlid fish species Altolamprologus compressiceps from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Hydrobiologia 682 (1), S. 143 - 154 (2012)
Sprenger, D.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Dochtermann, N. A.; Theobald, J.; Walker, S. P. W.: Aggressive females become aggressive males in a sex-changing reef fish. Ecology Letters 15 (9), S. 986 - 992 (2012)
Starostenko, V. I.; Kanevskii, V. A.; Entin, V. A.; Gintov, O. B.; Guskov, S. I.; Morenkov, E. D.; Blaser, N.; Meskenaite, V.; Lipp, H.-P.: Distinctive characteristics of pigeon navigation within gravity anomalies in Ukraine. Geophys. J. Int. 34 (2), S. 20 - 35 (2012)
Steinmeyer, C.; Kempenaers, B.; Mueller, J. C.: Testing for associations between candidate genes for circadian rhythms and individual variation in sleep behaviour in blue tits. Genetica 140 (4-6), S. 219 - 228 (2012)
Steinmeyer, C.; Pennings, P. S.; Foitzik, S.: Multicolonial population structure and nestmate recognition in an extremely dense population of the European ant Lasius flavus. Insectes Sociaux 59 (4), S. 499 - 510 (2012)
Stephan, D.; Sanchez-Soriano, N.; Loschek, L. F.; Gerhards, R.; Gutmann, S.; Storchova, Z.; Prokop, A.; Grunwald Kadow, I. C.: Drosophila psidin regulates olfactory neuron number and axon targeting through two distinct molecular mechanisms. The Journal of Neuroscience 32 (46), S. 16080 - 16094 (2012)
Stumberger, B.; Bauer, H.-G.: Bibliographie von Martin Schneider-Jacoby. Ornithologische Jahreshefte für Baden-Württemberg 28, S. 131 - 138 (2012)
Stumberger, B.; Bauer, H.-G.: Bibliographie von Martin Schneider-Jacoby. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 64, S. 167 - 174 (2012)
Swain, D. T.; Couzin, I. D.; Leonard, N. E.: Real-time feedback-controlled robotic fish for behavioral experiments with fish schools. Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (1), S. 150 - 163 (2012)
Tavosanis, G.: Dendritic structural plasticity. Developmental neurobiology 72 (1), S. 73 - 86 (2012)
Tay, L. H.; Dick, I. E.; Yang, W.; Mank, M.; Griesbeck, O.; Yue, D. T.: Nanodomain Ca2+ of Ca2+ channels detected by a tethered genetically encoded Ca2+ sensor. Nature Communications 3, 778 (2012)
Tebbich, S.; Stankewitz, S.; Teschke, I.: The relationship between foraging, learning abilities and neophobia in two species of Darwin's finches. Ethology 118 (2), S. 135 - 146 (2012)
Tebbich, S.; Teschke, I.; Cartmill, E. A.; Stankewitz, S.: Use of a barbed tool by an adult and a juvenile woodpecker finch (Cactospiza pallida). Behavioural Processes 89 (2), S. 166 - 171 (2012)
Teglas, E.; Gergely, A.; Kupan, K.; Miklosi, A.; Topal, J.: Dogs’ gaze following is tuned to human communicative signals. Current Biology 22 (3), S. 209 - 212 (2012)
Ter Maat, A.; Pieneman, A. W.; Koene, J. M.: The effect of light on induced egg laying in the simultaneous hermaphrodite Lymnaea stagnalis. Journal of Molluscan Studies 78 (3), S. 262 - 267 (2012)
Thielsch, A.; Völker, E.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Schwenk, K.: Discrimination of hybrid classes using cross‐species amplification of microsatellite loci: Methodological challenges and solutions in Daphnia. Molecular Ecology Resources 12, S. 697 - 705 (2012)
Thorup, K.; Ortvad, T. E.; Holland, R. A.; Rabol, J.; Kristensen, M. W.; Wikelski, M.: Orientation of vagrant birds on the Faroe Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Ornithology 153 (4), S. 1261 - 1265 (2012)
Tórrez, L.; Robles, N.; González, A.; Crofoot, M. C.: Risky business? Lethal attack by a jaguar sheds light on the costs of predator mobbing for Capuchins (Cebus capucinus). International Journal of Primatology 33 (2), S. 440 - 446 (2012)
Tranquilli, S.; Abedi-Lartey, M.; Amsini, F.; Arranz, L.; Asamoah, A.; Babafemi, O.; Barakabuye, N.; Campbell, G.; Chancellor, R.; Davenport, T. R.B. et al.; Dunn, A.; Dupain, J.; Ellis, C.; Etoga, G.; Furuichi, T.; Gatti, S.; Ghiurghi, A.; Greengrass, E.; Hashimoto, C.; Hart, J.; Herbinger, I.; Hicks, T. C.; Holbech, L. H.; Huijbregts, B.; Imong, I.; Kumpel, N.; Maisels, F.; Marshall, P.; Nixon, S.; Normand, E.; Nziguyimpa, L.; Nzooh-Dogmo, Z.; Okon, D. T.; Plumptre, A.; Rundus, A.; Sunderland-Groves, J.; Todd, A.; Warren, Y.; Mundry, R.; Boesch, C.; Kuehl, H.: Lack of conservation effort rapidly increases African great ape extinction risk. Conservation Letters 5 (1), S. 48 - 55 (2012)
Troscianko, J.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Chappell, J.; Rutz, C.; Martin, G. R.: Extreme binocular vision and a straight bill facilitate tool use in New Caledonian crows. Nature Communications 3, 1110 (2012)
Turbill, C.; Smith, S.; Deimel, C.; Ruf, T.: Daily torpor is associated with telomere length change over winter in Djungarian hamsters. Biology Letters 8 (2), S. 304 - 307 (2012)
Turrini, P. C. G.; Loveland, J. L.; Dorit, R. L.: By any other name: Heterologous replacement of the Escherichia coli RNase P Protein subunit has in vivo fitness consequences. PLoS One 7 (3), e32456 (2012)
Ueno, T.; Tomita, J.; Tanimoto, H.; Endo, K.; Ito, K.; Kume, S.; Kume, K.: Identification of a dopamine pathway that regulates sleep and arousal in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience 15 (11), S. 1516 - 1523 (2012)
Valcu, C.-M.; Reger, K.; Ebner, J.; Görlach, A.: Accounting for biological variation in differential display two-dimensional electrophoresis experiments. Journal of Proteomics 75 (12), S. 3585 - 3591 (2012)
Valcu, M.; Dale, J.; Kempenaers, B.: rangeMapper: A platform for the study of macroecology of life-history traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (9), S. 945 - 951 (2012)
Valente, A.; Huang, K. H.; Portugues, R.; Engert, F.: Ontogeny of classical and operant learning behaviors in zebrafish. Learning & memory 19 (4), S. 170 - 177 (2012)
Vallentin, D.; Bongard, S.; Nieder, A.: Numerical rule coding in the prefrontal, premotor, and posterior parietal cortices of macaques. The Journal of Neuroscience 32 (19), S. 6621 - 6630 (2012)
van den Bos, R.; Jolles, J. W.; van der Knaap, L.; Baars, A.; de Visser, L.: Male and female Wistar rats differ in decision-making performance in a rodent version of the Iowa Gambling Task. Behavioural Brain Research 234 (2), S. 375 - 379 (2012)
Van Dongen, S.; Forstmeier, W.: Lack of genetic variation in developmental instability in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) wing and tarsus. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14 (3), S. 285 - 298 (2012)
van Versendaal, D.; Rajendran, R.; Saiepour, M. H.; Klooster, J.; Smit-Rigter, L.; Sommeijer, J.-P.; De Zeeuw, C. I.; Hofer, S. B.; Heime, J. A.; Levelt, C. N.: Elimination of inhibitory synapses is a major component of adult ocular dominance plasticity. Neuron 74 (2), S. 374 - 383 (2012)
van Wijk, R. E.; Kölzsch, A.; Kruckenberg, H.; Ebbinge, B. S.; Müskens, G. J. D. M.; Nolet, N. A.: Individually tracked geese follow the green wave during spring migration. Oikos 121 (5), S. 655 - 664 (2012)
van Wingerden, M.; Vinck, M.; Tijms, V.; Ferreira, I. R. S.; Jonker, A. J.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: NMDA receptors control cue-outcome selectivity and plasticity of orbitofrontal firing patterns during associative stimulus-reward learning. Neuron 76 (4), S. 813 - 825 (2012)
Versteegh, M. A.; Helm, B.; Gwinner, E.; Tieleman, B. I.: Annual cycles of metabolic rate are genetically determined but can be shifted by phenotypic flexibility. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (19), S. 3459 - 3466 (2012)
Versteegh, M. A.; Schwabl, I.; Jaquier, S.; Tieleman, B. I.: Do immunological, endocrine and metabolic traits fall on a single Pace-of-Life axis? Covariation and constraints among physiological systems. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (9), S. 1864 - 1876 (2012)
Voigt, C. C.; Borissov, I. M.; Voigt-Heucke, S. L.: Terrestrial locomotion imposes high metabolic requirements on bats. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (24), S. 4340 - 4344 (2012)
Voigt, C.; Eppel, J.; Mundy, P.: Living near human settlement - habitat use by White-browed Sparrow-Weavers on a golf course. Honeyguide 58, S. 17 - 21 (2012)
Voigt, C. C.; Lewanzik, D.: "No cost of echolocation for flying bats" revisited. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 182 (6), S. 831 - 840 (2012)
von Merten, S.; Siemers, B. M.: Exploratory behaviour in shrews: Fast-lived Sorex versus slow-lived Crocidura. Animal Behaviour 84 (1), S. 29 - 38 (2012)
Wahlbuhl, M.; Reiprich, S.; Vogl, M. R.; Bösl, M. R.; Wegner, M.: Transcription factor Sox10 orchestrates activity of a neural crest-specific enhancer in the vicinity of its gene. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 40 (1), S. 88 - 101 (2012)
Waller, B. M.; Lembeck, M.; Kuchenbuch, P.; Burrows, A. M.; Liebal, K.: GibbonFACS: A muscle-based facial movement coding system for hylobatids. International Journal of Primatology 33 (4), S. 809 - 821 (2012)
Walsh, N.; Dale, J.; McGraw, K. J.; Pointer, M. A.; Mundy, N. I.: Candidate genes for carotenoid coloration in vertebrates and their expression profiles in the carotenoid-containing plumage and bill of a wild bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1726), S. 58 - 66 (2012)
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