
Zeitschriftenartikel (9196)

Zeck, G.; Lambacher, A.; Fromherz, P.: Axonal transmission in the retina introduces a small dispersion of relative timing in the ganglion cell population response. PLoS One 6 (6), e20810 (2011)
Zhai, J.; Zhou, W.; Li, J.; Hayworth, C. R.; Zhang, L.; Misawa, H.; Klein, R.; Scherer, S. S.; Balice-Gordon, R. J.; Kalb, R. G.: The in vivo contribution of motor neuron TrkB receptors to mutant SOD1 motor neuron disease. Human Molecular Genetics 20 (21), S. 4116 - 4131 (2011)
Zhan, K.; Xie, H. X.; Gall, J.; Ma, M. L.; Griesbeck, O.; Salehi, A.; Rao, J. H.: Real-time imaging of Rab5 activity using a prequenched biosensor. ACS Chemical Biology 6 (7), S. 692 - 699 (2011)
Zollinger, S. A.; Brumm, H.: The Lombard effect. Current Biology 21 (16), S. R614 - R615 (2011)
Zollinger, S. A.; Goller, F.; Brumm, H.: Metabolic and respiratory costs of increasing song amplitude in zebra finches. PLoS One 6 (9), e23198 (2011)
Adelman, J. S.; Bentley, G. E.; Wingfield, J. C.; Martin, L. B.; Hau, M.: Population differences in fever and sickness behaviors in a wild passerine: A role for cytokines. The Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (23), S. 4099 - 4109 (2010)
Adelman, J. S.; Cordoba-Cordoba, S.; Spoelstra, K.; Wikelski, M.; Hau, M.: Radiotelemetry reveals variation in fever and sickness behaviours with latitude in a free-living passerine. Functional Ecology 24 (4), S. 813 - 823 (2010)
Aguirre, A. D.; Sawinski, J.; Huang, S. W.; Zhou, C.; Denk, W.; Fujimoto, J. G.: High speed optical coherence microscopy with autofocus adjustment and a miniaturized endoscopic imaging probe. Optics Express 18 (5), S. 4222 - 4239 (2010)
Alquezar, R. D.; Schwartz, B.; Schwabl, H.; Macedo, R. H.: Nest, eggs, and nestlings of the fawn-breasted tanager (Pipraeidea melanonota) in Venezuela. Ornitologia Neotropical 21 (4), S. 615 - 618 (2010)
Alrashidi, M.; Kosztolányi, A.; Küpper, C.; Cuthill, I. C.; Javed, S.; Székely, T.: The influence of a hot environment on parental cooperation of a ground-nesting shorebird, the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Frontiers in Zoology 7, 1 (2010)
Amin, N.; Gill, P.; Theunissen, F. E.: Role of the zebra finch auditory thalamus in generating complex representations for natural sounds. Journal of Neurophysiology 104 (2), S. 784 - 798 (2010)
Amy, M.; Sprau, P.; de Goede, P.; Naguib, M.: Effects of personality on territory defence in communication networks: A playback experiment with radio-tagged great tits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1700), S. 3685 - 3692 (2010)
Aron, L.; Klein, P.; Pham, T. T.; Kramer, E. R.; Wurst, W.; Klein, R.: Pro-survival role for Parkinson's associated gene DJ-1 revealed in trophically impaired dopaminergic neurons. PLoS Biology 8 (4), e1000349 (2010)
Arrenberg, A. B.; Stainier, D. Y. R.; Baier, H.; Huisken, J.: Optogenetic control of cardiac function. Science 330 (6006), S. 971 - 974 (2010)
Aso, Y.; Siwanowicz, I.; Braecker, L.; Ito, K.; Kitamoto, T.; Tanimoto, H.: Specific Dopaminergic Neurons for the Formation of Labile Aversive Memory. Current Biology 20 (16), S. 1445 - 1451 (2010)
Aurelle, D.; Baker, A. J.; Bottin, L.; Brouat, C.; Caccone, A.; Chaix, A.; Dhakal, P.; Ding, Y.; Duplantier, J. M.; Fiedler, W. et al.; Fietz, J.; Fong, Y.; Forcioli, D.; Freitas, T. R. O.; Gunnarsson, G. H.; Haddrath, O.; Hadziabdic, D.; Hauksdottir, S.; Havill, N. P.; Heinrich, M.; Heinz, T.; Hjorleifsdottir, S.; Hong, Y.; Hreggvidsson, G. O.; Huchette, S.; Hurst, J.; Kane, M.; Kane, N. C.; Kawakami, T.; Ke, W.; Keith, R. A.; Klauke, N.; Klein, J. L.; Kun, J. F. J.; Li, C.; Li, G. Q.; Li, J. J.; Loiseau, A.; Lu, L. Z.; Lucas, M.; Martins-Ferreira, C.; Mokhtar-Jamai, K.; Olafsson, K.; Pampoulie, C.; Pan, L.; Pooler, M. R.; Ren, J. D.; Rinehart, T. A.; Roussel, V.; Santos, M. O.; Schaefer, H. M.; Scheffler, B. E.; Schmidt, A.; Segelbacher, G.; Shen, J. D.; Skirnisdottir, S.; Sommer, S.; Tao, Z. R.; Taubert, R.; Tian, Y.; Tomiuk, J.; Trigiano, R. N.; Ungerer, M. C.; van Wormhoudt, A.; Wadl, P. A.; Wang, D. Q.; Weis-Dootz, T.; Xia, Q.; Yuan, Q. Y.: Permanent Genetic Resources added to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 February 2010-31 March 2010. Molecular Ecology Resources 10 (4), S. 751 - 754 (2010)
Backström, N.; Forstmeier, W.; Schielzeth, H.; Mellenius, H.; Nam, K.; Bolund, E.; Webster, M. T.; Ost, T.; Schneider, M.; Kempenaers, B. et al.; Ellegren, H.: The recombination landscape of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata genome. Genome Research 20 (4), S. 485 - 495 (2010)
Baldwin, M. W.; Winkler, H.; Organ, C. L.; Helm, B.: Wing pointedness associated with migratory distance in common-garden and comparative studies of stonechats (Saxicola torquata). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23 (5), S. 1050 - 1063 (2010)
Bamburg, J. R.; Bernstein, B. W.; Davis, R. C.; Flynn, K. C.; Goldsbury, C.; Jensen, J. R.; Maloney, M. T.; Marsden, I. T.; Minamide, L. S.; Pak, C. W. et al.; Shaw, A. E.; Whiteman, I.; Wiggan, O.: ADF/Cofilin-actin rods in neurodegenerative diseases. Current Alzheimer Research 7 (3), S. 241 - 250 (2010)
Barber, I.; Dingemanse, N. J.: Parasitism and the evolutionary ecology of animal personality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 365 (1560), S. 4077 - 4088 (2010)
Bashaw, G. J.; Klein, R.: Signaling from axon guidance receptors. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 2 (5), a001941 (2010)
Bauer, H.-G.; Heine, G.; Schmolz, M.; Stark, H.; Werner, S.: Ergebnisse der landesweiten synchronen Wasservogelerfassungen in Baden-Württemberg im November 2008 und Januar 2009. Ornithologische Jahreshefte für Baden-Württemberg 26, S. 95 - 220 (2010)
Baugh, A. T.; Ryan, M. J.: Ambient light alters temporal-updating behaviour during mate choice in a Neotropical frog. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 88 (5), S. 448 - 453 (2010)
Baugh, A. T.; Ryan, M. J.: Temporal updating during phonotaxis in male tungara frogs (Physalaemus pustulosus). Amphibia-Reptilia 31 (4), S. 449 - 454 (2010)
Bazazi, S.; Ioannou, C. C.; Simpson, S. J.; Sword, G. A.; Torney, C. J.; Lorch, P. D.; Couzin, I. D.: The social context of cannibalism in migratory bands of the mormon cricket. PLoS One 5 (12), e15118 (2010)
Beckers, G. J. L.; Gahr, M.: Neural processing of short-term recurrence in songbird vocal communication. PLoS One 5 (6), e11129 (2010)
Beja, P.; Santos, C. D.; Santana, J.; Pereira, M. J.; Marques, J. T.; Queiroz, H. L.; Palmeirim, J. M.: Seasonal patterns of spatial variation in understory bird assemblages across a mosaic of flooded and unflooded Amazonian forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 19, S. 129 - 152 (2010)
Berthold, P.: Sielmanns "Biotopverbund Bodensee": Artenvielfalt durch Renaturierung. Der Falke 57 (3), S. 88 - 94 (2010)
Berthold, P.: Die Vielfalt soll wieder aufblühen. MaxPlanckForschung 2010 (4), S. 12 - 17 (2010)
Berthold, P.; Mohr, G.: Ebereschen-Beeren: Hängen lassen! Ornithologische Mitteilungen 62 (4), S. 131 (2010)
Beyaert, I.; Wäschke, N.; Scholz, A.; Varama, M.; Reinecke, A.; Hilker, M.: Relevance of resource-indicating key volatiles and habitat odour for insect orientation. Animal Behaviour 79 (5), S. 1077 - 1086 (2010)
Blaschek, A.; Lohse, P.; Huss, K.; Borggraefe, I.; Mueller-Felber, W.; Heinen, F.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kümpfel, T.: Concurrent TNFRSF1A R92Q and pyrin E230K mutations in a child with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 16 (12), S. 1517 - 1520 (2010)
Bobori, D. C.; Moutopoulos, D. K.; Bekri, M.; Salvarina, I.; Munoz, A. I. P.: Length-weight relationships of freshwater fish species caught in three Greek lakes. Journal of Biological Research Thessaloniki 14, S. 219 - 224 (2010)
Bobori, D. C.; Salvarina, I.: Seasonal variation of fish abundance and biomass in gillnet catches of an East Mediterranean lake: Lake Doirani. Journal of Environmental Biology 31 (6), S. 995 - 1000 (2010)
Bolund, E.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Inbreeding depression of sexually selected traits and attractiveness in the zebra finch. Animal Behaviour 79 (4), S. 947 - 955 (2010)
Bolund, E.; Schielzeth, H.; Forstmeier, W.: No heightened condition dependence of zebra finch ornaments - A quantitative genetic approach. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23 (3), S. 586 - 597 (2010)
Borst, A.: Neurophysiology: Recording from neurons in action. Current Biology 20 (16), S. R679 - R680 (2010)
Borst, A.; Haag, J.; Reiff, D. F.: Fly motion vision. Annual Review of Neuroscience 33, S. 49 - 70 (2010)
Boston, E. S. M.; Buckley, D. J.; Bekaert, M.; Gager, Y.; Lundy, M. G.; Scott, D. D.; Prodöhl, P. A.; Montgomery, W. I.; Marnell, F.; Teeling, E. C.: The status of the cryptic bat species, Myotis mystacinus and Myotis brandtii in Ireland. Acta Chiropterologica 12 (2), S. 457 - 461 (2010)
Botero‐Delgadillo, E.: Morphometric and qualitative criteria for age and sex determination in Mionectes olivaceus (Tyrannidae). Hornero 25, S. 9 - 16 (2010)
Botero‐Delgadillo, E.; Verhelst, J. C.; Páez, C. A.: Ecología de forrajeo del periquito de Santa Marta (Pyrrhura viridicata) en la cuchilla de San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Ornitologia Neotropical 21 (4), S. 463 - 477 (2010)
Bourouiba, L.; Wu, J.; Newman, S.; Takekawa, J.; Natdorj, T.; Batbayar, N.; Bishop, C. M.; Hawkes, L. A.; Butler, P. J.; Wikelski, M.: Spatial dynamics of bar-headed geese migration in the context of H5N1. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 7 (52), S. 1627 - 1639 (2010)
Bowlin, M. S.; Bisson, I.-A.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Reichard, J. D.; Sapir, N.; Marra, P. P.; Kunz, T. H.; Wilcove, D. S.; Hedenström, A.; Guglielmo, C. G. et al.; Akesson, S.; Ramenofsky, M.; Wikelski, M.: Grand challenges in migration biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (3), S. 261 - 279 (2010)
Brommer, J. E.; Alho, J. S.; Biard, C.; Chapman, J. R.; Charmantier, A.; Dreiss, A.; Hartley, I. R.; Hjernquist, M. B.; Kempenaers, B.; Komdeur, J. et al.; Laaksonen, T.; Lehtonen, P. K.; Lubjuhn, T.; Patrick, S. C.; Rosivall, B.; Tinbergen, J. M.; van der Velde, M.; van Oers, K.; Wilk, T.; Winkel, W.: Passerine extrapair mating dynamics: A Bayesian modeling approach comparing four species. American Naturalist 176 (2), S. 178 - 187 (2010)
Brumm, H.: Biologie des Vogelgesangs: Anpassungen und Plastizität von Verhalten. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2010)
Brumm, H.; Farrington, H.; Petren, K.; Fessl, B.: Evolutionary dead end in the Galapagos: Divergence of sexual signals in the rarest of Darwin's finches. PLoS One 5 (6), e11191 (2010)
Busch, S.; Tanimoto, H.: Cellular Configuration of Single Octopamine Neurons in Drosophila. Journal of Comparative Neurology 518 (12), S. 2355 - 2364 (2010)
Caillaud, D.; Crofoot, M. C.; Scarpino, S. V.; Jansen, P. A.; Garzon-Lopez, C. X.; Winkelhagen, A. J. S.; Bohlman, S. A.; Walsh, P. D.: Modeling the spatial distribution and fruiting pattern of a key tree species in a neotropical forest: Methodology and potential applications. PLoS One 5 (11), e15002 (2010)
Capaldi, E. J.; Martins, A.: Applying memories of reinforcement outcomes mainly to pavlovian conditioning. Learning and Motivation 41 (3), S. 187 - 201 (2010)
Chao, R.; Nevin, L.; Agarwal, P.; Riemer, J.; Bai, X. Y.; Delaney, A.; Akana, M.; JimenezLopez, N.; Bardakjian, T.; Schneider, A. et al.; Chassaing, N.; Schorderet, D. F.; FitzPatrick, D.; Kwok, P. Y.; Ellgaard, L.; Gould, D. B.; Zhang, Y.; Malicki, J.; Baier, H.; Slavotinek, A.: A male with unilateral microphthalmia reveals a role for TMX3 in eye development. PLoS One 5 (5), e10565 (2010)
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